
How to Feed and Store a Gluten Free Celebration or Christmas Cake

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Gluten,Wheat Vegetarian,Vegan

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If you want to enrich your Gluten Free Christmas Cake or Gluten Free Vegan Christmas Cake using Rice Flour, with an alcohol feed, make the cake a month before you want to serve it and keep it well wrapped in an airtight tin. For feeding the cake, you will need a pointed teaspoon or cake syringe.  Choose a strong spirit such as rum, brandy or whisky. After an alcohol feed you can Ice a Gluten Free Christmas Cake or serve it naked.


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skewer or BBQ stick, cake syringe, greaseproof paper, kitchen foil and airtight container


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Gluten Free Christmas Cake
rum, brandy, whisky, orange liqueur or Amaretto


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To Feed the Cake

  1. Unwrap your cake, turn it upside down and peel off any baking paper.
  2. Using a skewer or BBQ stick, prick a series of holes all over the bottom of the cake. 
  3. Measure out 10ml of your chosen alcohol and using the tip of a pointed teaspoon drip a little alcohol into each hole.
  4. OR fill a cake syringe with 10ml of your chosen alcohol, put the tip of the syringe into each hole and press a tiny amount of alcohol into each one. 
  5. Wrap the cake in greaseproof paper then wrap it tightly in kitchen foil.
  6. Store the wrapped cake in a second layer of foil or an airtight tin.
  7. You can repeat the feeding process every week for three or four feeds. However, if the cake makes the work surface damp, appears wet or stodgy, discontinue feeding.

To Serve the Cake

  1. If you plan to ice a Gluten Free Christmas Cake with marzipan and fondant or royal icing, leave it to rest for a week after its last feed.
  2. Once cut, celebration/Christmas cakes will store well if wrapped and kept in an airtight container.
  3. Gluten Free celebration fruit cakes can be served naked.
  4. For longer storage of gluten free celebration cakes wrap closely in kitchen foil and freeze.
  5. To serve an iced fruit cake that has been stored for a long time, unwrap it and remove the old icing and marzipan. Check the cake still tastes good, then cover with fresh layers of marzipan and fondant or royal icing. 

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