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Gluten Free Cauliflower Cheese
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About this recipe:
This classic English dish can be a perfect meal by itself, although is often served as a side dish and is a popular addition to the Sunday Roast. Delicious with the added hint of wholegrain mustard.
1lt/2pt oven-proof dish, saucepan and mixing bowl
Vegan Cheese Sauce
600ml milk (or vegan milk)
4 tbsp FREEE Organic Cornflour
150g grated cheese (vegan cheese)
salt and pepper
Cauliflower Cheese
1 cauliflower
1 tsp wholegrain mustard
Vegan Cheese Sauce
- Measure the milk into a saucepan then remove five tablespoons of the milk to a bowl.
- Heat the pan of milk until it is almost boiling then take it off the heat.
- Add the cornflour to the cold milk stirring to make a smooth paste.
- Poor half of the hot milk onto the paste stirring as you do this.
- Tip the mixture back into the saucepan.
- Return the pan to the heat and stir as the sauce thickens.
- Allow the sauce to bubble gently and cook for a minute while stirring.
- Stir in the cheese, and season with salt and pepper.
Cauliflower Cheese
- Chop the cauliflower into florets and cook in boiling water until just soft.
- Drain the cauliflower.
- Add the mustard to the prepared cheese sauce and mix well.
- Add the cauliflower to the sauce and stir to combine.
- Tip everything into a 1lt/2pt oven-proof dish.
- Place the dish under the grill for a few minutes to brown the top.
- Serve warm.
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