recipes/Freee Other/600_FREEE_CremePatissiere.jpg

Gluten Free Crème Pâtissière Custard using Cornflour

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250ml crème pâtissière Nuts,Peanuts,Gluten,Wheat Vegetarian

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Crème pâtissière is a rich type of gluten free custard, sometimes referred to as ‘Crème Pat’. It is often used instead of whipped cream to fill profiteroles, fruit tarts and meringues.


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saucepan, 2 x large mixing bowls, parchment paper and electric beaters


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25g icing sugar
2 tsp FREEE Organic Cornflour
50ml cream
2 egg yolks
150ml milk
butter, for brushing


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  1. Measure the sugar, cornflour and cream into a large bowl, add the egg yolks and mix to a smooth paste.
  2. Heat the milk in a saucepan until almost boiling.
  3. Poor half the hot milk on to the paste stirring as you do this.
  4. Tip the mixture back into the saucepan.
  5. Return the pan to a gentle heat and stir continuously as the custard thickens and cooks.
  6. Pour the custard into a clean bowl.
  7. To stop a skin forming, brush a little butter over a piece of parchment paper and put it butter side down on the surface of the crème pâtissière.
  8. Leave until cold then chill until required.
  9. Before using remove the parchment and beat the cold custard to ensure it is smooth.

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