recipes/Freee Other/600_FREEE_Whitesauceusingbrownriceflour.jpg

Gluten Free Vegan White Sauce using Rice Flour

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5-10 minutes 450ml sauce Egg,Nuts,Peanuts,Gluten,Wheat,Milk Vegan,No added sugar

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A useful, pouring white sauce made with Rice Flour. Grated cheese or chopped parsley could be added to the cooked sauce.  


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saucepan and large mixing bowl


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450ml milk (or vegan milk)
4 tbsp FREEE Rice Flour
4 tbsp oil
salt and pepper


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  1. Put the milk into a saucepan over a medium heat.
  2. When the milk is almost boiling, remove the pan from the heat. 
  3. Measure the rice flour and oil into a large bowl and mix to a smooth paste.
  4. Pour half the warm milk onto the paste stirring as you do this.
  5. Tip the mixture back into the pan.
  6. Return the pan to the heat and stir as the sauce thickens.
  7. Allow the sauce to bubble gently and cook for a minute while stirring. 
  8. Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve.
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16 FR335b Gluten Free Brown Rice Tortiglioni Chili Con Carne 1080 - Freee Foods

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