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Easy Vegan Crêpe Pancakes
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About this recipe:
You can use any plant-based milk and any type of oil to make these easy crêpe pancakes. And if you have walnut or hazelnut oil at the back of your cupboard using this will add a whole new delicious dimension to your pancakes.
non-stick frying pan and large measuring jug
1 FREEE Pancake Mix
550ml plant milk
2 tbsp oil
oil, for pan
- Put the pancake mix into a large jug, add the milk, oil and beat well.
- Heat a non-stick frying pan until nice and hot.
- Add a few drops of oil, rolling it around to cover the surface of the pan.
- Pour some batter into the pan, tipping the pan so that it covers the surface.
- Cook on a medium heat until the base is golden.
- Turn the crêpe over and cook the other side.
- Transfer the crêpe to a plate, cover and keep warm.
- Repeat with the remaining batter.
- Serve with your favourite filling or topping.
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