
Gluten Free Leftover Turkey or Chicken Pie

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40-45 minutes 1 pie Egg,Nuts,Gluten,Wheat No added sugar

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If you didn’t manage to eat all the Sunday roast, have some leftovers from a celebratory meal or the Turkey Dinner, why not use them to make this delicious butter pastry pie. You could swap some of the filling ingredients aiming for the cooked meat and leftover vegetables to weigh about 600g. 


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1lt/2pt ovenproof dish and 2 x mixing bowls


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Gluten Free Butter Pastry
200g FREEE Plain White Flour
ΒΌ tsp FREEE Xanthan Gum
pinch of salt
100g butter
8-9 tbsp cold water
flour, for dusting
butter, for dish

Left-Over Filling
300g cooked meat
100g cooked sausage or ham
200g cooked vegetables
1 tbsp parsley, chopped
300ml milk
3 tbsp FREEE Organic Cornflour
3 tbsp cold water
1 egg
salt and pepper
butter, for dish


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190Β°C, Fan 170Β°C, 375Β°F, Gas 5

Gluten Free Butter Pastry

  1. Measure the flour, xanthan gum and salt into a bowl, stir to combine and sieve them into a mixing bowl.
  2. Chop the butter into small cubes and add them to the bowl.
  3. Using a pastry blender or fork, mash the butter cubes into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs. Avoid using your fingers for this.
  4. Stir in enough water to bring the pastry together into a soft, slightly sticky ball of dough – it will appear a little wet but will absorb liquid while resting.
  5. Cover the pastry dough and leave it to rest for 15 minutes.
  6. Rub some butter around the inside of a 1lt/2pt ovenproof dish.
  7. Dust the work surface with flour, put two thirds of the pastry in the middle and sprinkle it with flour.
  8. Roll out the pastry into a rectangle or circle 5cm/2” larger than the circumference of your dish.
  9. Carefully lift or slide the pastry into the dish OR simply press it into the dish using your fingers.
  10. Cut away any pastry that hangs over the edge of your dish and add it to the unused pastry.

Leftover Filling

  1. Pre-heat the oven.
  2. Chop the meat and sausages or ham into chunks and put them into a mixing bowl.
  3. Cut the left-over vegetables into chunks and add them too.
  4. Finely chop the parsley, add this to the bowl and season with salt and pepper.
  5. Put the milk into a saucepan over a medium heat.
  6. Measure the cornflour into a small bowl, add the cold water and stir to make a paste.
  7. Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in the cornflour paste.
  8. Return the pan to the heat and stir as the sauce thickens.
  9. Tip the sauce into the mixing bowl and gently stir everything together.
  10. Pour the filling into the pastry lined dish and smooth the top.
  11. Break the egg into a bowl, beat it with a fork then brush a little egg around the edges of the pastry.
  12. Roll out the remaining third of pastry to make a lid a little larger than the dish.
  13. Carefully lift or slide the pastry lid onto the dish.
  14. Using your fingers, or the back of a fork, pinch or press to join the pastry edges.
  15. Cut away any pastry hanging over the edge of the dish.
  16. Brush the remaining beaten egg all over the top of the pie.
  17. Using a knife or scissors make a few cuts or slits in the top of the pastry to allow steam to escape.
  18. Chill the pie for 5 minutes.
  19. Bake for 40-45 minutes until golden.

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