recipes/Freee Cake/600_FREEE_Quick-Gluten-Free-Mini-Fairy-Cakes.jpg

Quick Gluten Free Mini Fairy Cakes


25 Ratings

10-12 minutes 36 mini fairy cakes Gluten,Wheat,Nuts,Peanuts Vegetarian

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A batch of these makes a good amount of mini cakes which are delicious on their own although they can be topped with a little jam, chocolate spread or simple icing.  You can wrap and freeze some of the batch for another occasion although it would be best to do this before adding the topping.


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mini fairy cake cases, mixing bowl, 3 x 12 holes mini tart trays or a large baking tray


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150g butter
150g caster sugar
3 eggs
150g FREEE Self Raising White Flour
5 tbsp milk
½ tsp vanilla extract


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200°C, Fan 180°C, 400°F, Gas 6.        

  1. Pre-heat the oven.
  2. Stand the mini cake cases in the holes of the mini tart trays or on a large baking tray.
  3. Cut the butter into small cubes and put them into a mixing bowl.
  4. Add the sugar and beat together until light and fluffy.
  5. Break the eggs into the bowl one at a time, beating well after each addition.
  6. Sieve the flour into the bowl then stir it into the mixture.
  7. Add the milk and vanilla extract and combine them well.
  8. Divide the mixture between the prepared mini fairy cake cases.
  9. Bake for 10-12 minutes, until the sponge springs back when touched.
  10. Cool the cakes on a wire rack.

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