recipes/Freee Other/600_FREEE_VeganPistachioFudge.jpg

Gluten Free and Vegan Pistachio Fudge

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Gluten,Milk,Egg,Wheat Vegan,Vegetarian

About this recipe:

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Made without any dairy ingredients and using coconut blossom sugar rather than crystal sugar, these vegan sweet treats are known in India as mysore pak.


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large baking tray, 15×20/6×8” dish and saucepan


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150g FREEE Gram Flour
25g pistachios, shelled
75g coconut sugar
75ml water
½ tsp lime rind, grated
75g coconut oil
¼ tsp ground cardamon, optional
coconut oil, for dish


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180°C, Fan 160°C, 350°F, Gas 4

  1. Pre-heat the oven.
  2. Spread the flour over one end of a large baking tray and spread pistachios over the other end.
  3. Bake for 12–15 minutes until both are lightly toasted.
  4. Rub some oil around the inside of a 15×20/6×8” dish.
  5. Put the sugar and water into a saucepan over a medium heat and simmer gently for 5-10 minutes to make a clear syrup.
  6. Remove the pan from the heat.
  7. Finely grate the lime into the pan, add the coconut oil, cardamom if used and stir to combine.
  8. Add the prepared flour and pistachios to the pan and quickly mix well.
  9. Tip the mixture into the prepared dish and smooth the top.
  10. Whilst warm cut the fudge into small squares or rectangles.
  11. Leave to cool completely.
  12. Turn the fudge out onto a chopping board and cut into squares or rectangles along the original lines.
  13. Store in a tin.

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